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    He forgot the part about, uh, the entire history of politics on earth. It's more of a "get of my…
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  • Probably a lot of places in red states. It's just that Atlanta sticks out because it has almost half of…
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  • Once Strongman Trump is in the White House, something something mass social uprising, something something Social Democratic utopia.
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  • The second amendment cuts both ways. Tears both ways. Lacerates both ways. Etc. The best part is that the legislature…
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  • Agreed. For now. Trump can win this, and all it takes are a few events, coupled with people who are…
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  • Or maybe both of you are wrong. Do monsters see monsters when they look in the mirror? Perhaps 40%+ of…
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  • Exactly correct. See: Georgia generally, vs. Atlanta. Outside of metro Atlanta, Georgia is essentially Mississippi. But because Atlanta is about…
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  • Multiple reasons. I'd wager that 80% or more of the daily readers of this blog and the comments underneath the…
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  • Since Strongman Trump has already made clear, explicitly, that his VP will be in charge of policy while Strongman Trump…
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  • Heard from her doctor, over a year ago. https://www.scribd.com/document/273167662/Hillary-Clinton-Doctor-Statement-2015-07-28
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  • Clinton also has hypothyroidism (chronic cough, fatigue) and takes desiccated thyroid. I find the Bill Frist tele-diagnosis aspect of all…
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  • Just like there has to be some truth to the countless accusations made against Clinton over the past 25+ years,…
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  • Any time someone says they are light headed, dizzy, or falls down, you administer a neuro assessment, or you are…
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  • Projection and Cognitive Dissonance are the twin pillars of modern US conservatism. Conservatives are literally delusional. By definition. Objective, observable…
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  • Decreased profits for print media.
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  • More delusions.
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  • In short, you live here in objective observable reality where there are exactly two people who can become the next…
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  • Just ask Tibetans, amirite?!?
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  • I'm sure you'll be around to remind us that Hillary is the real Hitler...in a pantsuit.
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  • My guess would be that roughly 75% of the people who vote in this upcoming election couldn't tell you who…
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