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    I don't see much need for a realignment, as much as the sane members of Congress and the Senate currently…
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  • Because 40%+ of the population looks at Trump and sees themselves. Full stop.
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  • NYC's Stop-and-frisk is unconstitutional. Period. Crime started dropping precipitously before NYC's "broken windows" policy and before the unconstitutional stop-and-frisk policy.
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  • Describing the objective reality that most US voters don't follow politics isn't defending ignorance. If you can't see, hear, or…
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  • "As I have said, the best solution for this election is the complete disappearance of the Republican Party, the establishment…
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  • "Disgusting that a majority of Democratic primary voters approve of this that count Kissinger as a friend." Question. What percentage…
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  • Crime started dropping precipitously before NYC's "broken windows" policy and before the unconstitutional stop-and-frisk policy.
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  • Maybe, maybe not. I'll defer to Kevin Drum on this one. He doesn't go on to say that that the…
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  • It's not that lead makes you violent. It's that it affects the executive functioning of the brain, i.e. the ability…
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  • Depends on the version of stop-and-frisk. The practice used for decades, or the NYC version.
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  • Cognitive dissonance itself becomes very uncomfortable when reality intrudes upon delusion. The delusional worldview that is allowed to survive and…
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  • http://www.motherjones.com/topics/lead-and-crime
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  • Wow, 2 for 2 on the projection comments. Keep on keepin' on, champ.
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  • She's an old school baby boomer technocrat with a hawkish foreign policy and a gift of only supporting left-wing issues…
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  • Clinton will win as long as Strongman Trump is out in public being Strongman Trump. Otherwise, Strongman Trump is allowed…
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  • Wait, you mean Democratic party members used Democratic party institutions to oppose a non-Democrat running in the Democratic primary?!? Holy.…
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  • I disagree. I think this is a lot like the old adage, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."…
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  • Conservatives want to see their enemies mocked and beaten. Strongman Trump exemplifies this perfectly. No Strongman Trump voter cares about…
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  • Hillary supporters will be voting for Hillary in November. Strongman Trump supporters will be voting for Strongman Trump in November.…
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  • "But right now, most Democrats are in the same boat as you: you're freaking out so much about the next…
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