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    $500.00 tax rebate if you vote in the November election.
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  • Protip: corporations pay famous people "mucho bucks" to show up, wave, and say words all the time. But if you…
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  • So, of the "Speeches" that HRC gave, 40 of them were just to get out of debt? I mean, sure,…
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  • In the sense that, yet again, there is no there, there, then a Clinton Presidency, where it comes out that,…
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  • Back when I could comment on Adams' site, I did, and received many a death threat from his commentariat. Adams…
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  • Parody troll or raging moron?
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  • It is the job of the press to explain what is going on. It hasn't just "enabled" all of this,…
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  • Yes, but elected Emperor Obama playing Emperor and bombing heads of state may persuade someone who should know better to…
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  • My GOP-Base-in-Grief model seems to be working out as I thought. 2012. Rmoney: The End of Denial 2015 - 2016.5.…
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  • Actually, it's pretty clear that Strongman Trump equates women to prostitutes, in general.
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  • Be careful about lumping Georgia in with the rest of the South. The "Georgia" people talk about being purple-ish is…
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  • One of my favorite BothSidesDoItTM suppress-the-vote arguments revolves around telling like-minded people to stay home instead of voting, because then,…
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  • You can continue blaming everyone else who agrees with you but realizes that they can't just pull the plug on…
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  • So does the cult of personality.
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  • I think this is one possibility I don't bring up often. Assuming Strongman Trump loses spectacularly, he'll not only fail…
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  • Empire moves west and adopts the culture of the east.
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  • Farewell the tranquil mind! Farewell content! Farewell the plumèd troops and the big wars That makes ambition virtue! Oh, farewell!…
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  • That may be true, but it's irrelevant when we're trying to threadjack this into the coming shooting war with Russia…
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  • It's all about you, chief.
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  • The Republican party essentially exists in order to hamstring the Federal Government long enough for state and local governments to…
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