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    EconomicInsecurityTM of 2016 looks a hell of a lot like bigotry of the past.
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  • I have to vehemently disagree. The media has shit reasons for opposing Strongman Trump. As long as Strongman Trump is…
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  • Dean's comment is a perfect attack dog comment. Clinton and Friends didn't say it, and now it's just floating around,…
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  • Cognitive Dissonance and Projection, the twin pillars of the modern US Conservative movement, provide the support needed to continue the…
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  • I'm fairly certain that if you're "undecided" at this point, you probably don't have the cognitive facilities to vote in…
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  • Silly libruul. IOKIYAR. Forever.
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  • I've said this dozens of times here. On other sites that I frequent, in particular Scott Adams' site, I have…
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  • Booman: Alternate ice packs and heat, 20 minutes for each, max. And not directly on the skin. Ice is good…
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  • I don't have children, but if I did, and they were old enough to understand the context, I think I'd…
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  • Yes. My 5 Stages of Grief theory. Denial ended with Rmoney. Obviously the establishment exists for itself, and not for…
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  • Upvoted for, I'm sure, for the wrong reason.
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  • You can't imagine that one single person, out of 150 million voters, might decide that Trump disrespects women enough that…
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  • Your fingertips, god's ears, and all that. My ultimate hope was that Trump would get shut out of the Republican…
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  • Manufacturing consent.
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  • Misogynist non-voters. Misogynist Johnson voters. If you're failing to imagine people voting for Trump because of what he said, just…
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  • The Presidency hires for the executive branch and appoints the judicial branch. While the legislative branch is inherently more powerful…
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  • When Strongman Trump's talkin', he's losin'.
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  • While Congress is almost certainly the most powerful branch of government, that is only true if that branch of government…
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  • Which will be, in essence: blah blah blah, innocuous terms about banking and financing being innovative and providing the necessary…
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  • Right, but I'd argue that it's almost a political law that Trump picked up at least a few voters in…
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