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    For the past 25 years, it's been proven over and over again that where there's smoke...there's a smoke machine. But…
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  • The sheer amount of projection in this comment is fucking breathtaking.
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  • When you say "you guys will maybe listen to the DFHs for once", you seem to be implying that I…
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  • As opposed to, what, exactly?
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  • Couldn't tell you whether Strongman Trump is a cocaine user, or perhaps a legal amphetamine user. That said, extra stamina…
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  • The worst part of reasoning with a conservative is that they're so deluded and living in their own delusional reality,…
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  • Shovel enough cash to your patrons for long enough, and they'll let you skim some off the top afterwards.
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  • Voting for Stein is just a euphemism for being above it all and having the best morals and ethics. It's…
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  • And NeoProgressives won't vote for Clinton. Values, ethics, morals. Additionally, neoliberal neocons. Besides: something something mass social uprising, something something…
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  • That's common cognitive dissonance found everywhere. Here in Atlanta, the AJC is clearly a conservative paper, and yet if there…
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  • Which are the standards almost every American sees as standards, which is its own problem.
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  • You don't take into account that the media provides coverage and sets the tone. They've clearly decided to make this…
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  • Actually, a lot of us weren't boasting or engaged in mutual masterbation at the thought of Clinton as President, as…
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  • They're Neoprogressives, the Libertarians of the left. Never mind how US elections actually work. Never mind what may happen when…
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  • The election is getting close. Best thing to do is get the ol' circular firing squad up and running, which…
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  • The choices we have are just Oh So Terrible! #Trump/Pence 2016
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  • Trump supporters aren't "people" in the societal sense of the term.
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  • It's not that guns and religion aren't working - it's that they haven't been allowed to work. Because of libruuls.…
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  • Objectivity ended the moment it became a requirement for news divisions to earn profits. And it has been aggravated by…
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  • It's classic Strongman fascism. Mussolini or Hitler aren't going to walk up to your door and bash your skull in.…
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