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    And yet he'll still likely grab about 40% of the electorate.
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  • When Trump's talkin', he's losing. Just gotta keep him talking for another month, and he's done.
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  • Considering that the self-proclaimed DFHs who post here have done nothing but publicly shit on Clinton at every opportunity... I'd…
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  • And if Strongman Trump said he could float off the floor like a soap bubble, millions of his right wing…
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  • Replacing Scalia on the USSC would be worth a Clinton presidency by itself.
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  • They aren't interested in reality, and in fact, consider it their enemy.
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  • Reactionaries gotta react.
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  • Wow. The projection is breathtaking.
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  • Lifetime technocrat able to read polls and go with the flow?!? The horrors! Men do this, and they're able to…
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  • Hell, Orwell described the kind of paranoid delusional state and media apparatus in 1984. And I don't laugh at people…
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  • Mentioned in another comment, but deinstitutionalization works. Assuming you have a community that cares. https:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geel https:/aeon.co/essays/geel-where-the-mentally-ill-are-welcomed-home Geel, Belgium has been…
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  • Hey, that's my line!
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  • I don't know enough about Pence to know whether or not he can be baited into further hurting Strongman Trump.…
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  • I'd disagree in the sense that taking away someone's Medicaid, Medicare or SS can definitely result in actual physical harm,…
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  • So, would ending safety net programs be "fatal harms" to the people who would/could suffer and die?
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  • They believe that fatal harms are in allowing gay marriage to be a protected constitutional right. They believe that fatal…
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  • "Could long term exposure to mass media and political messages of fear and hatred exacerbate preexisting mental disorders?" Absolutely, yes.…
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  • You can describe the same core problem a dozen ways, and write about it for all of eternity. Is it…
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  • There are salvageable conservatives, i.e. people who are nominally Republican, and just don't pay attention. Those are the first people…
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  • Maybe he can Make America Great Again for them. Or maybe he'll burn everything to the ground and everyone who…
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