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  • Yes, this. Although I tend to simply summarize it as cognitive dissonance. You can give people actual facts that undercut…
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  • Ultimately it comes down to this: Either the government bureaucracy, as created under the Constitution, is able to mitigate the…
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  • Unless we're talking about destroying the Electoral College itself, we're not talking about solving the problem, but a symptom. Here's…
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  • The electoral college isn't designed to do anything constructive, and listen...doing what seems "constructive" in abstract, means death to hundreds,…
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  • I have to strongly disagree with the idea that the Electoral College electors can save the US from Strongman Trump...and…
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  • Fascism always attempts to destroy any solidarity outside of nationalist solidarity, and fascism in power always gets to decide who…
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  • Your first sentence is answered by your fifth sentence.
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  • Fuck the First Amendment and stuff, because colorful cloth and feelings!
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  • Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.
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  • If the GOP keeps the filibuster, it will likely be for the same reason that is made regarding Democrats not…
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  • Doesn't all of this strategery rely on: McConnell not nuking the filibuster. Republican Senators not clapping for Strongman Trump whenever…
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  • Those of us anchored in objective, observable reality are also Hillbots and are waging a secret Nato/Illuminati DDOS attack on…
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  • That's a lot of money left on the table, and a lot of demagogues stuck in local office.
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  • The fact that they sat on them, made an announcement about "new emails", when they could have sat for an…
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  • Software programs could go through 650,000 emails to determine which ones are duplicates in, I'm guessing, less than an hour.…
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  • New around here? Intentionally oblivious?
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  • You're first mistake is to assume that they are "thinking" about anything he says, as in critical analysis. I'm not…
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  • Grace = white. Full stop.
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  • Republicans hate Democracy. Just saying the word "Democratic" upsets them. Full stop.
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