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    "I blame the Left for the "everyone gets a trophy," culture, the idea that high standards, competition and rewarding excellence…
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  • The problem, of course, being that the Republican party still exists to prevent anyone to the left of Reagan of…
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  • Part of the problem in calling it a monopoly is that WalMart, like McDonalds and other huge chains, are the…
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  • I disagree. Racists, and bigots and generally reprehensible people will do things that make sense, and don't make sense, depending…
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  • Ah, yes. The classic: "no, blacks and women and Mexicans and everyone else but me are the real bigots!" comeback.…
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  • It's only class war when the poor fight back.
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  • Talk to a Southern Baptist sometime... They'll tell you to ignore the Gospels, in favor of Saul of Tarsus. Many…
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  • "He would have been out the door in an hour in the 1940s." Fundamentally incorrect, pun intended. This never would…
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  • Pointing out that Russia is ruled by an authoritarian right-wing oligarch who seems to have multiple associations with the authoritarian…
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  • Meanwhile, the children of the elite will continue going to real schools so they know how to best manage the…
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  • Neo-feudalism works best when the rabble are just skilled enough to press the buttons in the correct order at work,…
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  • The Press goes after the war porn dollar. It's a huge market.
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  • None of this has anything to do with Russia, Assad, chemical weapons, or Donald Trump. This is all the fault…
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  • Well, for the people who matter, e.g. not you, me, or anyone who isn't in power and stealing everything, this…
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  • Basically, this. I'm not a fan of RonRand Inc., and Buchanan is a scumbag, but until we end Empire, everything…
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  • This should come as no surprise to anyone who ventures outside of the liberal bubble. What THEY talk about is…
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  • Trump steps aside, and President Pence, looking extremely Presidential, if not Imperial, is able to pass everything Trump couldn't. I'm…
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  • I've disagreed with AG on numerous occasions, in particular regarding the RonRand Inc. family. That said, what he sees, and…
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  • Just a quick link to another blog I frequent, written by a life-long Republican who defines what a rational, reasonable…
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  • Yes, this. Holy fuck, I thought that everyone with more than a few million brain cells understood that electing STRONGMAN…
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