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    Mind restating your cryptic post in a way that, say, an intelligent 14 year old can understand? Maybe this means…
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  • So, you know that none of this is going to lead to Strongman Trump and Friends not winning in 2018/2020/beyond...right…
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  • It's not about vote totals. It's about whether Strongman Trump communicated via his family/friends/advisors/campaign staff with Strongman Putin, in order…
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  • Y'all do know that Russia is no longer the USSR, no longer practices any form of socialism or communism, and…
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  • My one and only question is: Cui bono in changing the story regarding how Strongman Trump and Friends have attempted…
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  • Yes, the pig people will continue voting in pigs.
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  • The narrative is that Killery Clinton was the worst possible candidate, ever. Admitting anything else gives tacit complaint that Clinton…
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  • First, kill the Republican party. Then, allow the sane center-right wingers join the Democratic party. They'll provide enough votes to…
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  • Oh yeah, one of the most cognizant bits I've ever heard, and hard to beat in terms of accuracy, and…
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  • You forget. It's their America. They own it. They operate it. The rest of us are just mooching squatters. Once…
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  • We already have term limits. They're called elections. That the population is both ill-informed and apathetic unless it's a cult…
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  • The US Presidential election is just a cult of personality. Has been for awhile now.
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  • I think that Strongman Trump, if he continues to falter at getting what he and the pig people want, will…
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  • Many people were warning that Strongman Trump was a real danger. And we were warning that, for example, shitting on…
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  • My meta argument always has been that this wreck is multi-tiered and built into the system, and the way you…
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  • Sounds like a Trump boost to me.
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  • On even days, Obama was a weak-willed buffoon making apologies to the entire world. On odd days, Obama was a…
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  • Wait...you're bringing up 2016 predictions? Clinton by 10%. Ossoff by 4%. Seriously?
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  • Classic Scorpion and Frog reasoning. Listen, shitheel: lower the tax rates on the oligarchs who own and fucking operate this…
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  • As it's been stated a thousand times before. The ONLY responsible vote by any Democrat (or representative) is to vote…
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