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    Right-wing authoritarians make up roughly 30% of the population. Assuming that it translates to the jury, that's 4 who could…
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  • Never trust a Never-Trumper. Most of them who are in the media laid the cross ties and shaped the track…
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  • BothSidesDoItTM now, BothSidesDoItTM tomorrow, BothSidesDoItTM forever.
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  • But, the base loves Trump. Full stop. Pulling the trigger and nailing Trump doesn't change the fact that the base…
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  • Can someone name 18 Republican Senators who would put country over party/greed/power/re-election?
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  • Outlawing women from crossing state lines to get an abortion, and making it a crime to do so.
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  • Abortion is somewhat similar to slavery, in the sense that one group of people want to have the legal ability…
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  • You always root for the home team.
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  • "But he'll have a hard time keeping his own party on board for a trade war that is hurting their…
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  • It's like the people who believe in super convoluted  conspiracy theories about secret societies that run the planet, who ignore…
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  • If you showed a modern US conservative the TV coverage and them  proclaiming that "Trump is ours", the dumb ones…
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  • The reason any sane person would vote for the Democratic Party, even if they're super ultra mega left-wing progressives, is…
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  • Our entire election system is a huge incentive to have ranked choice voting.
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  • Strongman Trump: "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters". Strongman…
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  • John Brennan isn't going to change any minds of right-wing authoritarians, because Strongman Trump is their rightful strongman fascist ruler.…
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  • Aren't you essentially asking why a criminal organization continues to employ an arsonist to burn down everything the criminal organization…
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  • There should be a wealth tax. Any wealth over 500 million dollars should be taxed so that if it isn't…
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  • Only if Strongman Trump loses in 2020. If you're winning, you're a member of the team. If you're losing, you're…
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  • If this guy is the candidate, Strongman Trump wins.
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  • Remember when it was Killery Clinton who would be starting a shooting war with Russia? Those were the days.
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