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    The recent strike in conservative West Virginia should give some salient information.
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  • Racists will always seek out, promote, and spotlight tokens in an attempt to prove to others that they aren't what…
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  • A cornered rat is very dangerous.
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  • Americans, notoriously knowledgable about their own household and backyard, but ignorant about where Country X is, or even if Country…
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  • Well, at least ol' Beauregard Sessions is champing at the bit to persecute cannabis users, the gateway drug to shooting…
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  • Which is, of course, denigrating to cockroaches, etc., etc.
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  • Not so much reign over it, as drain out the normal swamp water, and fill it with Donald Trump brand…
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  • Strongman Trump will continue garnering, at a minimum, about 35% of the population who are right-wing authoritarians. A fluctuation of…
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  • They tell their base that they are "true Americans", and imply that while they may never become rich like they…
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  • Well, here's hoping ol' Putin really does have a string or two attached to the Strongman Trump puppet.
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  • By poisoning the water to turn people into homosexuals, like what is happening to the frogs. Ask Alex Jones.
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  • The narrative is that their tribal membership as conservatives is important, and that liberals and everyone else who isn't them…
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  • Having only pure ethics, morals and principles works great in the abstract. The inability to compromise in the real world…
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  • That's how you get the worst evil, but whatever makes you personally feel better. It's your vote, or non-vote, or…
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  • Actually, many of us saw the problem with Strongman Trump way before he was elected, and thought that it could…
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  • MARTA is only relevant if you live along I-20 and I-75/I-85. Don't get me wrong. I took a bus and…
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  • Conservatives are the biggest victims on the planet. 17 children were just murdered, and they read Delta as attacking conservatives.
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  • Living in voluntary prisons to feel safe means the terrorists have won.
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  • Yeah, it's a terrible idea on multiple fronts. Not to mention, it assumes that the shooter is already inside the…
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  • Yes, that's what I wanted. Nailed it.
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