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    Never feel sorry for right-wing authoritarians. These are the people who, if given the chance, would murder you and your…
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  • Warren is my preferred candidate to all the rest. Obviously I will be supporting the nominee, and if I knew…
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  • Right-wing authoritarians need to know what to think, so they can repeat it whenever their is criticism laid at the…
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  • 2020 is necessary just like every other election in the past 20 years were necessary. We're where we're at because…
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  • Nice little purge before the 2020 election at the DHS. What Departments are under the DHS?
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  • Make it a requirement that anyone serving in the Federal Government at a certain pay level and higher has to…
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  • It's been a slow-motion genocide for the past 60+ years
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  • Right, the Senate is fucking useless. Agreed. Lots of things aren't going to happen, depending on the time frame. Same…
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  • An easy fix for a whole lot of problems is just abolishing the Senate and giving its powers to the…
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  • Student loan debt. Marijuana prohibition. Right-wing authoritarian propaganda distributed as news. The entire world not analyzing everything the same as…
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  • My first post, at least under this name, was 10.1.12 I'm fairly certain I used a different name before but…
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  • I would have named the bill "End Corruption in US Elections", let everyone vote yea or nay, and called it…
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  • Two things: We need to take action now, ASAP. I personally believe that climate change has been in effect since…
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  • How many people voted for Obama, twice, and then decided that electing Trump might be a good idea? I don't…
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  • What makes this country great is that the US assimilates the cultures of the people it takes in from other…
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  • My concern is any third party candidate pulling any Democratic votes. All first-past-the-post elections are zero-sum, winner take all elections.…
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  • I'm not citing Gallop because I want to use it as a credible source. I'm saying that what people tell…
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  • "Depending on the situation" is the key in my statement. Bush Jr September 10 2001 Approval: 51% Bush Jr September…
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  • Everyone keeps talking demographic changes as an eventual default to the Democratic party. News flash: there are old people being…
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  • Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. What was Strongman Trump's disapproval polling as of November 8th, 2016? Gallup…
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