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    Trump didn't win with a national majority position. He didn't need to. He won by going after rust belt high-white…
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  • The time for in-fighting ends when the primary results come in. I'll take Manchin and Tester over any Republican, until…
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  • The whole inability to walk at full gait, hold a glass of water with one hand, and slurred speech makes…
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  • No one in Portland has ever heard from me, nor would they care if they did. I'm calm, and I'm…
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  • When I see Biden up by 6 in a swing state, I see it as tied. Trump up by 2…
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  • Biden can say whatever he wants. Voters see fires and get scared.
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  • It's time for the protests on the street to end, and the protest at the voting booth to start. The…
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  • Yes. At this point, protests aren't going to do anything but give Trump the an air of legitimacy. It's September…
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  • I still see it as a toss-up at best. If Biden is up by 6%, I see it as a…
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  • One of the things the US does not need more of is oligarchs. Sooner or later they become aristocrats.
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  • From your keyboard keys to the Electoral College.
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  • Every last one of them will vote for Trump. If you're having "second thoughts" in August of 2020, it means…
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  • The crazification factor is approximately 27-35%. Trump could go on live television and say that it's a good thing that…
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  • Upped to Member so I can see those sweet Prime posts.
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  • Let's be clear. Covid is here, and it isn't going anywhere. Wear a mask, social distance, take care of yourself.…
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  • GDP is really just a measure of how much of the earth we're digging up and setting on fire. Death…
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  • I've been looking at places to go for about a decade now. Some places on the top of my list…
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  • Right-wing authoritarian fascism has been slow-burning in the US for the past 80+ years. House Un-American Activities in 1938, codified…
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  • I'd go with the poll that has Biden +2. I'd also assume that if they have Biden up by 2,…
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  • *CLICK READ MORE FOR CORRECT FORMATTING* If Trump is only down by 6% in Michigan in current polling, I'd just…
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