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    I look at it like this. If corrupt and criminal politicians get away with it this time, that's it. The…
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  • I want Trump to lose bigly, get stopped on a runway in the process of fleeing, and serve out a…
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  • 290EV. Right-wing authoritarians always come home.
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  • I have been and will continue to be in support of Ranked-Choice voting. It should be how every single election…
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  • Ben Sasse is just like every other Fascist criminal in the Republican Party, except he would prefer a Republican Dictator…
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  • This. You could elect a Democrat as President, have him enact center-right policy, and the Republican Party will still declare…
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  • If it isn't Unconstitutional on its face, it needs to be an option on the table for January 20th, 12:01pm,…
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  • Ranked-choice voting would be amazing. It doesn't solve all problems, but it removes the spoiler affect that third parties have.…
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  • Biden will maybe-probably win all things being equal. What happens when the Fed'ruhl Gub'mint decides that tareeeerists want the liberals…
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  • You have to wonder, does Bill Stepien actually believe what he said, clearly making him a fucking lunatic, or does…
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  • Congress adds states, and the President signs. Congress adds SC Justices. Burn the Filibuster, add States, add Justices, legislate new…
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  • The Civil War has been raging since before the US Constitution was written, and has been both Hot and Cold…
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  • Let's be real clear. There won' be one fucking bit of "bipartisanship" from the Republican Party, because there hasn't been…
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  • There isn't a scenario on Earth where Collins and Murkowski wouldn't both vote yes if given the opportunity. The only…
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  • They always believe they'll be fine inside their gated communities with their private security.
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  • Giving advanced notice to another Republican piece of shit to start collecting bribes to run for his seat.
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  • At this point in the game, October of 2020, if you still put a (R) after your name, you're an…
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  • There's about 6 or 7 major fires burning this country down. The Electoral College and the Senate are probably the…
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  • Chip away at about the 3-4% who can be salvaged, and hope the rest die off, peacefully, never again using…
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  • Who would have thought that giving the most scared, paranoid and tribal people in society a means to unite as…
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