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    Alright, so how do we work around the edges to pick up some rural voters? Tell them that we're going…
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  • There are a limited amount of natural resources on the planet at any given time. Everyone everywhere are watching oligarchs…
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  • Free cash for everyone, no more Federal Income taxes for people earning under $50k, tax credits for everyone else, forgive…
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  • I think this is accurate, and wearing my Pessimist hat, I believe it is just too late. They've believed in…
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  • Intelligent Empires do not occupy land that they don't need to occupy. They extract resources, labor, and easements. But if…
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  • It's cognitive dissonance to say the US isn't an Empire. In fact, it always has been, even before it was…
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  • The most frustrating part of being against Empire is having to deal with "Realpolitik" and actions like "assassination". Euphemisms for…
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  • Wait, are you me? As in, that is literally what I've been planning to do and will be doing when…
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  • That's the rub. There are thousands of nuclear weapons and military bases at play here. There's no way that there…
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  • Yes, this. If the previous administration isn't fully held accountable for their various crimes, this country is completely finished. It…
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  • This is just the first year of the 2020s. We're not on the downswing of a shitstorm, we're at the…
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  • Weaponized Federalism. Create a soft Blue States of America and Red States of America. Let Republican voters fully get what…
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  • There is no reaching right-wing authoritarians who have found their rightful authority figure who demands their loyalty. They literally become…
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  • Bingo. You can bet a lot of those people were "principled progressives" who always seemingly agree with "moderate conservatives" that…
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  • 3. It's Georgia.
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  • I vote in-person, because I want my vote to count. That's when early voting starts for the runoff.
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  • It's Georgia, so it's still safe to bet that Republicans will be picking up both seats. Not guaranteed, but a…
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  • No, I'm not asking anyone anything, because in the political world, I'm nobody. Nobody gives a shit about what I…
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  • Let me get this out, up front, so my comment isn't taken for what it isn't. I'm a straight white…
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  • 93,000 votes over 3 states and it's four more years of MAGA. We were talking about 77,000 votes over 4…
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