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    Trump was setting the stage for months about a stolen election. Had he been able to convince MI's State Legislature…
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  • All of this has been clear for decades. It's why I've never shied away from using the word fascist when…
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  • There's a healthy amount of "stuff" to own, and then there's hoarding. The same goes with money. People who have…
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  • Our society is collapsing before our eyes, at a slow-enough rate that it's hard to see and describe accurately. That's…
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  • Craft every bill with a $10B giveaway to WV. Every bill. $10B is fucking pennies. Make it hurt Manchin every…
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  • Never mind the consequences. Look at Abrams, he's been in and out of government positions since his conviction and pardon.…
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  • So you think someone Trumpier will run and beat her, or a "sane" Republican?
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  • Who does she lose to in 2 years, because it won't be a Democrat.
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  • If I were someone, which I'm not, I'd allow her to keep her committee assignments, and continue letting her wear…
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  • If WI had flipped the results, it's possible that other states would have been less-opposed to flipping their results if…
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  • GA, WI, AZ. Without those 3 states, it's 269-269, and the House re-elects Trump. ~43,000 votes out of ~158,000,000 Much…
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  • Well, if you know guns and heard high caliber rounds being fired, I'll believe you. I just kinda assume that…
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  • $10,000 to every US Adult, no means testing. Costs $1.8T, helps everyone. That should be the first thing passed. 1…
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  • I have a feeling it wasn't "high caliber" ammo being fired, because that stuff is extremely expensive right now. If…
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  • The 2020 election was much closer than it was in 2016. 43,000 votes over 3 states, and the election goes…
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  • I still have absolutely no fucking god damn clue why the Democratic Party hasn't just done this, over and over…
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  • I'm not talking about adding new states to overcome the filibuster. I'm talking about adding new states so there are…
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  • McConnell is going to do whatever he can to continue destroying this country. Anyone who thinks that McConnell is doing…
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  • Did you see the 2020 election results? 43,000 votes over 3 states that went Biden, otherwise Trump tied the EC…
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  • 1948 is where I start the clock on the Democratic Party losing it's southern white supremacy contingent. Strom Thurmond running…
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