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    "When Trumpism Gets Boring Enough, the Movement Will Die". I'll go with that. So, all the fascists have to do…
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  • The next 40+ years are already baked into the cake in my opiniohn. Right now are the results of the…
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  • Ginsburg should have retired in 2012. Breyer should have retired on January 21st. We'll see if Breyer is planning on…
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  • Imagine having an IQ above room temperature and thinking, "we have to get Republicans to vote in favor of a…
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  • You want to turn the cult leader into a Martyr? Nah. Much better to put him in prison for life…
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  • I'm not a doomsdayer, but, uh... The next 30 years are already baked into the cake. Ain't nothing can reverse…
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  • I left Ohio a decade ago, Cincinnati specifically I came to Atlanta, and definitely don't regret it. It's different, but…
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  • "The GOP is not healing. It’s in a death spiral, and they’re going to pull us all down with them."…
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  • January 6th, 2021. Probably just a portent of things to come. Called it.
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  • And...46.9%, above the floor I picked. While the country is dying from a pandemic the President let rage on purpose,…
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  • It's been clear for years that the only chance this country has is the Democratic Party actually governing as the…
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  • Israel is waging slow-motion genocide, just slow enough that they can ghettoize and concentrate Palestinians into smaller and smaller camps…
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  • Breyer, the 900 year old liberal on the Supreme Court, pulling a Ginsburg by staying on the court until death…
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  • I wonder if Breyer is planning on pulling a Ginsburg so that the Conservatives can go up 7-2 so the…
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  • Yes, I'm placing all the blame on Democrats, and I'm helping the Republicans. What country do you live in again,…
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  • Yes. This is why I've been so aggravated by Manchin and Sinema. This isn't fucking 1996, where the loyal opposition…
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  • I've definitely posted this before. This is a luke-warm civil war. It's time to let Republican states live their great…
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  • I'd say what I've said multiple times in the past about how Manchin and Sinema are choosing to let this…
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  • Drug tests are kept in business by the prohibition of marijuana. Almost every drug tested for is out of your…
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  • Because 2020 was extremely close (43,000 votes in 3 states is why Trump isn't in his second term, and probably…
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