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    I agree with Booman about the importance of winning back rural areas, or, extending suburban areas. Not necessarily because we're…
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  • Trump's ceiling is probably right around 50-55% depending on the situation. His floor is right around 45%. Here's to hoping…
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  • At least 45%, regardless of whether the country is literally on fire or under 10 feet of water.
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  • Keep the government closed until the Democratic House passes a bill. Non-political Americans need a lesson in which parties are…
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  • There's rhetoric, and then there's action. I don't care about the rhetoric unless there's appropriate action. A typical x-ohilic will…
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  • Right-wing authoritarians, otherwise known as the Republican base, do not care about anything said about Strongman Trump, because they see…
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  • No one with the power to do anything gives a shit.
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  • It has been, still is, and will continue to be, a Civil War.
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  • It's treason, all the way down.
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  • Why "or", when "and" seems to work better in that last sentence?
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  • We're not there yet, champ.
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  • Hey, former Cincinnatian, current Atlantan. When are YOU going to run? I mean, you realize that's the next step, right?…
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  • Modern monetary theory, MMT. Deficits and the Debt are just accounting columns. If the Federal government printed $1T (not creating…
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  • Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. Pretty sound reasoning. In re: polling: Any race where the (D) isn't…
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  • Anymore, I just assume anything under +3 for the Democrat means it's too close to call. While Strongman Trump has…
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  • Why do you assume it couldn't happen here?
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  • Well, on the off chance the Democrats take the Senate, or even get to 50 in the Senate - the…
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  • Don't forget that Strongman Trump campaigned on...Making America Great Again, which explicitly provides that America ain't great. It's cognitive dissonance…
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  • Reading something like that has as much value as arguing with a crumbling brick wall. It's much more efficient and…
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  • "The best result for the country would be a Democratic Senate that insists that Trump nominate someone on a list…
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