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    You must be talking to Methodists. A good southern Baptist would just point you to Paul and tell you that…
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  • What Rick Wilson said has been in effect for the past 25 years, and he finally took his blinders off?…
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  • Rmoney isn't the tonic for Trumpism because he, along with anyone else still intentionally carrying a (R) after their name…
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  • Assange, Putin, and Trump are the true neo-progressives. They have all the best principles, ethics and morals. They just want…
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  • All of that may be true. But why are we letting the true villains off here? Hillbots, neo-liberal neo-con neo-centrists,…
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  • And people seem to be ignoring: The vote count. More people voted for Moore, and the SpaceAndrewJackson/ZombieHitler ticket than Jones,…
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  • Moore lost for all the wrong reasons. One thing is almost absolutely certain: Had the allegation of pedophilia not come…
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  • No. They focus on the Old Testament, and pray to Mammon, all dressed up as Jesus.
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  • Yes, we all know the Neoprogressive narrative: Neoliberal neoconservative neocentrism is the worst evil, and the Democratic party is the…
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  • Another strawnan. At least your consistent.
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  • It's cognitive dissonance and projection, all the way down. The twin pillars of modern US conservatism.
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  • They like what they see, because what they see is themselves.
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  • Nice strawman. Whatever it takes to change the narrative, I guess. Quick! Point to where I said the Democratic party…
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  • "About the only thing Trump is correct about is the fact that his victory won't be seen as legitimate if…
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  • The Society of the Spectacle.
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  • Neocentrism is essentially the philosophical tenet that if a Democratic politician isn't willing to come right out and demand single-payer…
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  • Well, your reply to my reply to your reply contains a narrative shift to [i]Bill Clinton[/i]. We're approximately 2 decades…
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  • You didn't read what I wrote, or stopped reading it. One of the two. The Republican party, which currently operates…
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  • In your second sentence, you say that Strongman Putin and Strongman Trump have been able to get so much (what,…
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  • It was called GOPLifer. And the guy had well-thought out posts where he described what he believed Conservatism really is.…
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