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    You might want to take a refresher course on how bills are passed before blaming the D̶e̶m̶o̶c̶r̶a̶t̶i̶c̶ ̶P̶a̶r̶t̶y̶  Party That…
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  • Your remark is typical of a modern US conservative, saying that Democrats hate straight white Christian men, because, like, there…
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  • Never mind the Russians, Here's the Clinton Outrage. At least y'all are consistent. Keep on fighting the good fight from…
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  • The Christian right doesn't give one shit, because the Christian right are actually Mammon worshipers. Mammon worshipers don't just worship…
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  • One area to parse where education and income diverge in terms of voting, is what percentage of college graduates are…
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  • Buggy whips and Model T's, or, how the Luddites are going to save your jobs! The underlying problem is that…
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  • Forest instead of trees... There are too many people, and not enough jobs to employ them all at living wages.…
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  • The only vote the Democrats should provide is a vote to get rid of the debt ceiling altogether, which solves…
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  • NeoProgressives won't be finished fighting the 2016 Primaries until after the DemocRAT party loses in 2018 and 2020. Because neoliberalcons.…
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  • No doubt. And don't forget, if we had elected Killery, we'd already be in a shooting war with Russia.
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  • Agreed. Winning the election does a few things. It doesn't waste money and effort, whereas a loss symbolizes both, even…
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  • A quibble. The United States has thousands of nuclear missiles. This is the "value" behind fiat currency such as the…
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  • And there it is. Cheap. It's cheap goods being held on a string that allows the US worker/consumer to eat…
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  • Mandating that people wear seatbelts doesn't reduce car accidents. Seat belt activists are losers! #TrumpTruth
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  • Hell, it'd be just as nice if they were to acknowledge the fact that Russia =! Union of Soviet Socialist…
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  • If and/or when Strongman Trump is out of the White House, it'll be a "return to normalcy" where the impetus…
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  • Needs more Clinton outrage.
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  • In related developments at the time, the number of people identifying as Libertarians, Independents, and shortly after, TeaParty, skyrocketed.
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  • There is no peak wingnut. Cognitive dissonance and projection are the twin pillars of modern US conservatism. And Strongman Trump…
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  • The hippies have been right for the past 50 years. As Driftglass says, "...Conservative hobgoblins...are now being allowed to burnish…
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