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    For GOP voters, no. Everything you stated showing Trump's incompetence is, in fact, evidence of how much liberals hate America…
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  • Pretty much this. There were enough "moral non-voters" in Mi, Wi, and Pa to allow Strongman Trump to win the…
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  • So, the people who want California to secede are on the right and welcome a chance to murder "others" currently…
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  • "I got mine, fuck you". Brilliant reason to start the next civil war. Although, as a CaliforniaFirstTM member, you can…
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  • And you're clearly an idiot.
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  • Minus some major catastrophe, Strongman Trump probably has 8 years. At this point, 8 years is pretty much baked into…
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  • Does "Stand Your Ground" work on a national level?
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  • Your sig line is essentially, "I got mine, fuck you." Thanks for chiming in.
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  • White males: the biggest victims on the planet. If only they had some representation in government to help protect their…
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  • Well, if the Senate confirms DeVos, perhaps the less time the Senate spends working on important things, the better.
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  • Fascism has been pretty much set in place since 1947. I mean, can you seriously read that list and believe…
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  • TOR can't hide anything that the government wants to know.
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  • International medical students end up becoming a high percentage of primary care providers in the US. The lack of primary…
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  • Most likely controlled by the Perma-gov in exile, as led by one Killery Clinton, amirite?!
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  • Public employees and public service employees in the private sector are always underpaid, and understaffed, because while our work is…
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  • Gentrification of the cities is going to keep happening because it's much more convenient to live within the city where…
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  • One of the features of the oligarchs becoming much more wealthy as everyone else stagnates or loses ground, is that…
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  • Well, the ED sees the sickest patients, since most patients come in through the ED initially via walk-ins or EMS,…
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  • I'm an emergency department RN. We'll treat and stabilize anyone. But that is all that the emergency department does. What…
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  • My post will be somewhat long, but perhaps more relevant than most. I'm actually a RN who works in the…
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