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    That's either excellent parody, in which case I say hurrah, or you're a fucking idiot.
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  • I attribute it to the "where there's smoke, there's fire" canard. HRC has had entire apartment complexes thrown at her,…
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  • Trump is unpopular with Republicans who pretend to be offended at bigotry.
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  • Is it just me, or are there about half a dozen double entendres in that comment?
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  • No, you need to photoshop Killery's head onto Hitler. Then you'll fit right in - whether with a RealProgressive group,…
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  • Needs more Hitler in a pantsuit.
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  • Conservative delusional reality, enabled by the twin pillars of modern US conservatism: cognitive dissonance of objective, observable reality, paired with…
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  • On a neutral site on which I hold up mirrors to conservatives to show them just how stupid they sound,…
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  • The exact opposite, actually, by the Bernie or Buster zealots.
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  • So she's supported legalized cannabis for a few years now? Good.
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  • It'll come down to restitution based on a breach of contract. You can't force someone to work for you. Unless…
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  • Then you don't know sane conservatives.
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  • The Democratic party is already a centrist party, filled with centrists and conservatives. I can't imagine that you disagree with…
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  • Sheriff Joe Arpaio to the rescue.
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  • " 'Trust me', the last refuge of scoundrels". And the first and foremost argument of a Strongman with millions of…
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  • The 5 Stages of Grief model. The flirtation with anyone but Rmoney in 2012, and his loss, was the Republican…
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  • Mitt Rmoney would surely appoint libruul justices and stuff. Also: Vincent Foster.
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  • Oh, was Hillary chanting USA during her speech?
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  • It's hyperbolic to point out that there was a Democratic House and Congress passing Democratic legislation that Nixon signed? Ok…
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  • I voted for Sanders. My candidate didn't win.
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