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    Remember. Bob and friends are SuperProgressives with all the best principles. So, what they are going to do is deflect…
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  • Reading comprehension is your friend. Get some.
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  • There you go again, Bob. Protip: stay on topic, or go rant at the clouds. Thanks!
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  • Yes, changing the subject to Putin, rather than discussing Strongman Trump's call for a foreign government to interfere with the…
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  • Oh, my bad Bob! I forgot that we were changing the conversation to 1940s US involvement in foreign governments rather…
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  • Exactly. This isn't about Putin. It's about Trump, and his nonchalant call for a foreign government to interfere with an…
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  • 6 of one, half a dozen of another. I have no doubt that they'd rather Sanders be elected President, but…
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  • Once you realize that the central issue for 'Busters is that Hillary Clinton is the real enemy, everything begins to…
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  • No, Putin isn't the boogieman for me the same way Clinton and Huma Abedin and her ISIS contacts are the…
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  • Wow. The topic was of the Republican Presidential nominee asking a foreign government to hack a former SOS email server…
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  • Am I supposed to defend Rmoney, or are you wanting me to say that what Trump has done is just…
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  • What does any of this have to do with the Republican Presidential candidate asking a foreign country to hack into…
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  • So, I shouldn't give a shit that a major party Presidential nominee is asking a foreign government to help him…
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  • I wasn't aware that Rmoney asked Netanyahu to endorse him.
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  • When Hitlery-bots were asking why more Sanders supporters weren't voting for Sanders, it was victim-blaming. Sanders supporters were just so…
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  • Right. Hillary, evil. Trump, just a clown. Not at all a major party nominee, publicly calling for a foreign government…
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  • When Donald Trump is a major party nominee, I think it proves that the US isn't a robust democracy. Not…
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  • Here's the thing, chief. In order for you to express your super progressive best principles and stay home or vote…
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  • Right, more cognitive dissonance and projection. The super progressives with all the best principles aren't nasty. Not at all. It's…
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  • Because unlike the Bernie-or-Bust crowd who turns on anyone who stops promising unicorns to super progressives with the best principles,…
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