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    Someone who screams this loud has his own demons. 10-1 it's either substances, or people, that he personally abuses in…
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  • You just don't get it, though. Let me explain. Neoliberal neoconservative, something something Goldman Sachs, something something dead babies.
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  • He's already a No-Labels Republican subtype grifter.
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  • "In a truly free and competitive market, profit tends toward zero." Exactly. Which is why companies spend money lobbying to…
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  • No pain, no gain. Drink plenty of fluids...powerade zero or something with electrolytes and without sugar. You can alternate warm…
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  • High Intensity Interval Training. I use treadmills to reduce stress on my joints rather than running on concrete/asphalt/dirt. And it's…
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  • Rising deductibles and rising copays weren't intended to be eliminated, but slowed. Nothing is going to eliminate constantly rising costs…
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  • This. The solution is either you run progressives as Berniecrats, or you get Berniecrats into the Democratic party and run…
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  • Ludicrous analysis.
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  • That was the one thing I thought Strongman Trump could use as a kill-shot - the legalization/decriminalization of cannabis. Of…
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  • Like Shillery? Hitlery? Coronation? The projection and cognitive dissonance in this post is amazing.
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  • Ah, show those prejudices, Bob! I'm neither a Clintonite, nor do I want to live in an Empire. Unfortunately, Bob,…
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  • Trump supporters are fucking frothing at the mouth in anticipation for the upcoming race war.
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  • I've written about this before in other places. I'll post a Part 1 and Part 2 (because it is from…
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  • So, midterm voters are super progressives who only come out if super progressive candidates are running? None of the midterm…
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  • The Vice-President-elect takes the oath of office and becomes Vice-President immediately before the President-elect takes the oath of office. As…
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  • Well, that said... If the House fails to elect the President, and the Senate also fails to elect a Vice-President,…
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  • Deflection, projection, and denial. You brought up Bill Clinton, real Democrats (tm), and Clinton hate. I mirrored the statement. That's…
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  • Nothing in the world is quite as satisfying, to me, as holding up a mirror to someone and letting them…
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  • Bill Clinton's sexcapades are still clearly of interest to RealProgressivesTM, just as they were to RealConservativesTM from the 1990s. So…
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