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    Unlike Strongman Trump! #Trump/Arpaio 2016
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  • If they're true to their PrinciplesTM, they won't vote for Trump. They'll just sit at home, or vote for Mickey…
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  • How many people are Hillary supporters, and how many people are going to vote for Hillary because here in objective,…
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  • Purity of essence is a real thing to some people.
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  • Yeah, but, like, there were some Democratic politicians who said they wouldn't vote for, like, the public option, so both…
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  • Not letting the world economy crash and burn was better than givin' to all them neoliberals out of spite and…
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  • Hilariously wrong analysis and projection of Marie3's bullying onto me requires some parsing. Let's go! Guess you never heard the…
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  • Listen tb92, people who consider themselves more liberal and more progressive than you are always right. About everything. Which means…
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  • Quick tip: If one commenter is calling another commenter on this site a "neoliberal", just replace that with "dummy head"…
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  • Politics is theatre though. 99.9% of the time, politics isn't a legislator sitting in a room voting on laws. Successful…
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  • Self-righteous fury, mixed with the fact that you and I have no ethics or morals because we don't think Hitlery…
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  • You are SO winning arguments against Trump authoritarians and your fellow libruuls by telling us just how much better your…
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  • Because, Bob.
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  • It's been about a week since you've told me that I don't have any ethics. Clearly, I'm the bully. Keep…
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  • If all you have is a Bernie Sanders, everything looks like American neoliberalism.
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  • Yeah, but I bet if we all stay home in November instead of voting for CrookedHillary, something something mass social…
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  • 98% of incumbents will remain in office. So what?
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  • The PurityBrigadeTM marches to its own tune, damn observable, objective reality.
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  • The only true way to bring about progressive change is to talk mad shit on internet comment boards about the…
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  • Incorrect. The Democratic party doesn't have to play chess to beat Republicans. It simply needs to stand up for what…
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