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    And the metric system!
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  • He didn't imply that only HRC is electable. He said that he would vote for HRC if she's the candidate…
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  • The status quo that is the problem is the 18th century notion of economics and politics that we're still trying…
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  • Driftglass nails "Independents". Most of them are Republicans who have some situational awareness, and have scraped their Bush/Cheney '04 bumper…
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  • Sometimes I don't just read between the lines, but through them. No offense meant, just sayin' that Laura Bush as…
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  • Ok. To use that analogy, Sanders has scored 7 consecutive runs and isn't winning. As an Independent-turned-Democrat, he had no…
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  • If that is George W. Bush's wife, then obviously that is who I meant. That Laura Bush isn't a raving…
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  • Right. There were Democrats in the South who should be called Dixiecrats, who began flirting with something other than the…
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  • Had Laura Bush ran for President, yes, definitely Banana Republic. For what it is worth, HRC had a career as…
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  • The correlation focuses on crime statistics based upon leaded gasoline. What is telling for me is how crime statistics increase…
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  • The Republicans took over the South after the Dixiecrats left en masse from 1948-1990. The South has always been a…
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  • So why hasn't the youth vote come out to push Sanders to the forefront? Is this one of those instances…
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  • Sounds like an excellent idea. I'm sure the 50%+ of the population that wants to vote for a real progressive,…
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  • We have to burn the village down in order to save it.
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  • To answer the graph: The 18-24 voting demographic tends to sit at home, except every now and then. If the…
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  • Until the Republican party is dead nationally, this future party you speak of simply puts the Republican party in office…
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  • I have no problem with someone writing about whatever they want to write about. But when people write things that…
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  • Go and vote for Sanders. I did. That said, there is a difference between advocating for Sanders, and shitting on…
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  • I AM a Sanders person. I say Sanders rather than Bernie, though, because I don't pretend to be on a…
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  • Debbs(sic)/Alinksy 2016 was snark in that it represents the idea that we have to put in the most socialist, leftiest-of-leftiest…
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