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    I've already voted for Sanders in Georgia. The most evil person in the world beat him though. If it's Trump…
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  • Not even that. I voted for Sanders in Georgia. As I've stated over and over. You won't find me saying…
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  • Funny enough, I voted for Sanders. Funny enough, you're not going to find me shouting to the rooftops about how…
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  • Because, right there in my snark, was the "2016", giving away that I'm being snarky about this here election cycle.…
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  • In responding to snark with some sort of witty reply, you've confused me as to what you mean. Are you…
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  • All of that may be true, but if you're not willing to let the Republican party burn the country to…
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  • You can listen as long and as hard as your ears allow you to. If and when Sanders gets the…
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  • Stay pure and stay home on election day.
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  • Because y'all think that somehow simply voting for Sanders is going to end US Empire, end racism, bring about universal…
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  • Debbs/Alinksy 2016!
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  • The alternative candidate being the Republican candidate, if and when HRC wins the nomination. Are you going to vote for…
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  • Typically, a government is in the hands of the right-wing for awhile before the left-wing can move things leftward. Nothing…
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  • Repeal the ACA!
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  • "Will we come apart at the seams, too?" First, we need to kill the Republican party as a national party.…
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  • Wages have been stagnating since the early 70s. It became a permanent fixture of the US economy once tax cuts…
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  • I prefer Sanders, too. He's going to be on the ballot in November?
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  • So are you predicting that the Republicans are going to retain the Senate and win the White House? Or is…
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  • I've done my part. I've voted for Sanders here in Georgia. I've converted (a few years ago) a Florida Republican…
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  • Go ahead and vote Trump/Cruz, or stay home. Texas will be Republican anyway. Don't worry, the rest of us have…
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  • If this is true, it is one reason why Sanders doesn't deserve to be the Democratic party nominee. Which is…
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