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    Actually I just returned from the out of doors and it's fairly balmy, Fair 18°F (-8°C)   Wind Speed: SW…
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  • What, you sound like a Gemini, at least by one of my friends defines me and them as extremely dedicated…
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  • The command "Nixon" was used by Bill Murray as Dr. Hunter S. Thompson in WHERE THE BUFFALO ROAM
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  • the command, "Nixon" which I intend to invoke if any Rs should be so foolish as to cross my doorstep.
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  • Everybody must be still napping, guess all that action in maryb's debut FBCs yesterday wore'm out.
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  • Fargo, Hector International Airport Last Update on Feb 19, 10:53 am CST Mostly Cloudy 9°F (-13°C) Humidity: 61 % Wind…
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  • looks like it could be titled "end-of-the-world" Your welcome, re: Gene Sharp, I'm working on a diary on Gene Sharp's…
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  • well then I'd say there'd be legitimate feelings of entitlement, and irrational feelings of entitlement, depending on the situation... no…
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  • That exchange sort of typifies what we've been talking about. I think mary's onto something as far a childhood experiences.…
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  • like in I'm entitled to what I think should be mine, and get the hell out of the way, or…
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  • When I returned to univ in 88,89 I a Spanish teacher who'd been there since late 60s. I asker her…
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  • it's hard to imagine how horrendous that must have been for all involved. The passing of time helps but never…
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  • I have lived with a survivor of a nasty relationship for some 5 years now. After some 20 years of…
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  • Sure. We're still on the WWW aren't we??? ha ha
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  • And now you've nailed it! But other countries cultures are quite a lot different, when I lived in Canada for…
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  • And on top of it all most of her best friends will abandon her... out of fear, mostly, I suppose,…
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  • I have a friend who told me about being strangled by her husband. The only reason she's still alive is…
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  • only break I saw in it was just after 9-11, people had a level of consideration then... for a while...…
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  • like in zero empathy for looking at another person's situation other than their own. I do recognize that every generation…
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  • I think the guy who runs the print machines is everybody's favorite guy and he'd been gone for a few…
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