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    in the ass from the grass roots level, before we throw the first shovel of dirt on it's grave. The…
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  • First time cross posting for another author, any screw ups please notify by email, thanks!
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  • Fair  -15°F(-26°C) Wind Speed: NW 18 MPH   Wind Chill: -42°F (-41°C)
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  • I['m] hoping that this is just freak weather and not the result of global warming. I've been thinking the same…
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  • as there seems to be a lull in the action here. Seems all this massage talk has put everyone to…
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  • you must be clairvoyant
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  • would you like cream and sugar with that
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  • it was just starting to get interesting
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  • as Jack Benny used to say. (But then I suppose that was before your time.)
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  • "The response tells me if they've ever spent January in ND."  That's a good one.  The last five winters here…
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  • we've got -2F (-16C)today, wind is 9mph, so that's not too bad, sun it trying to come out. I should…
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  • I could hit the hay now with the warm fuzzies in the brain, as does most of the rest of…
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  • So far spring has lasted from Thanksgiving up until now, so no complaints.[unless this mild winter has been  a result…
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  • I have an interest in that conversation as I had an episode about a year and a half ago that…
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  • of the available space, 2/8 spots. That's definitely one too many.
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  • First I voted No, because sometimes I feel bad for a great diary that doesn't make it due to no…
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  • My condolences on your loss NLinSTPaul. It not easy to let old friends go. I've lost three lifelong friends in…
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  • February 15, 2003 world-wide anti-war protest See Wikipedia: <b<February 15, 2003 was a global day of protests against the imminent…
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  • Thanks, IVG, nearly all that I post are mine, if not, I would mention it. The photo above was shot…
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  • February 15, 2003 world-wide anti-war protest See Wikipedia: <b<February 15, 2003 was a global day of protests against the imminent…
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