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    He is indeed a member of the Colorado bar.  The records check.
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  • Resume dishonesty is certainly grounds, by itself, for firing him, and probably grounds for disciplinary action related to his Colorado…
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  • One part of the mess is that almost every custody arrangement is going to have to be rearranged with court…
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  • A Chinook (CH-47) is predominantly an Army helicopter.  The heavy lift helicopter favored by the Navy is the Sea Stallion…
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  • Thanks for this crucial detail.
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  • So far, at least, I don't see any grave violations of these principles.  While I haven't heard anyone come out…
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  • FWIW, I pretty strongly disagree with the OP.  First off, the "small town values" are the military are, and probably…
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  • after a "guest blogger" accused me and a bunch of others on the site of being basically terrorist enablers, I…
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  • We can only hope that all future stories in the MSM concerning Pat Robertson will use this incident as context…
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  • Just to approach it from the other direction, the moral messages that people derive from religious texts is hardly ever…
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  • Newsweek likes to sell softball stories.  The reality is that there is more than one faith in the United States…
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  • One plus of a financial district full of videocameras is that the police get held accountable as well.
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  • Any idea what the legal standards are for police accountability in England?  I'm quite familiar with the U.S. standards, but…
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  • But also, almost certainly incorrect.  Nuclear power plants are not glorified bombs waiting to explode, and nuclear missiles must be…
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  • I concur that rockets like that wouldn't set off a nuclear device (incidentally, neither of these ships were nuclear powered…
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  • A Prius is a small car to start with.  It would probably make 40 mpg or so with a conventional…
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  • It is absolutely surreal. What good are constitutions and laws when the law on the ground is that the guy…
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  • I've spent a lot of time in the past couple of years getting up to speed on defense issues.  Historically,…
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  • One quote from the police blotter to make a connection: City Councilman Juan Ramos announced an increase in the reward…
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  • It happens every day. The harder question is, has any secret agent ever successfully sued for breach of an employment…
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