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    wrt to lenses ... I think I'd like to get a telephoto lens next -- but no rush -- and…
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  • One for the slack-a-day calendar ... I'm tucking it away. 🙂
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  • I usually don't drink tea, but it's soothing when I have a sore throat. I was reading about it too,…
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  • Got a question for you for Jim ... 🙂 What's he think of the new D80?
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  • but I'm enjoying her prose style, so it's okay. View of Castle Rock is short stories right?
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  • and requested the news pkg specifically to get his show ... how's that for love. He's wonderful - worthy of…
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  • I'm reading The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova right now, and next up is Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas by Tom…
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  • their names are strangely prescient ... 🙂
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  • I was hoping by bonkers you meant he was doing backflips off the wall ... 😉
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  • It's passing slowly so far -- which is a good thing. I'm taking it easy on the couch watching Grey's…
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  • Stephen Joseph Harper --> Shh! Pest or happen jeer. Pierre Elliott Trudeau --> Pettier ruler dealt, "Oui". Belinda Caroline Stronach…
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  • ... video post. 🙂
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  • I like the nixon one especially.
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  • if they heard you ... 😛
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  • Aren't cats great ... 🙂
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