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    I know for myself that under times of stress I hold up remarkably well, but once the stressor has passed…
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  • Now that I am not surprised to learn ... oh well, take what you can get I suppose.
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  • That is great ... no, it's perfect! And good on your brother for hiring the man. 🙂
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  • So, was someone trying to sell ya something at the door?
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  • I read about your sx the other day ... sounds painful. And that is disgusting about the surgeon's love of…
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  • did I say sore throat ... I lost my voice last night. I guess all that stress of the last…
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  • So not too much ... I'm just hanging out on the couch. What's happening at casa FMan this w/e?
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  • Lovely photos today ... Thanks Andi, Melanchthon!
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  • But I think I'm sick now ... I've got sore throat, fever, and my legs are aching ... 🙁 ...…
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  • How ya doing?
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  • Two boys are playing hockey on a frozen pond in Red Deer, Alberta, when one of the boys is suddenly…
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  • And yes, honourable profession indeed! LOL ... 🙂
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  • I can see how nebulous the whole world of publishing can be. Good to have a pleased publisher though 😀
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  • Indianadem, I haven't had a chance yet to congratulate you on your win! Kelly, good to hear that you're back…
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  • Hands down! 🙂
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  • Yikes! I see a lot of naps today for you -- at least I hope I do. Good morning everyone.
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  • but I was, so I wanted to get my goodnight in ... and was waiting for you to come back…
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  • You know, now the fotofair stuff is over, we can both get back to our podcasts ... 🙂 Okay ...…
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