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    can you remember which post was that in?
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  • I had records ... albums ... 🙂
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  • Our public school had that water and the fountains would stink! You know what, I have no idea about the…
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  • I would stay home from school ... 🙂 How ya doing otherwise?
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  • I was just googling to see if I could find a clip online, but the only I found has an…
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  • when I first moved to city water it smelled like chlorine  ... really awful ... but I don't even notice…
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  • Growing up on a well ... when the electricity would go that meant no water ... and that is not…
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  • peace
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  • when you get it done ... 🙂
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  • And it's 15C here today, so no snow today ... lots of fog though. 🙂
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  • We're experiencing the soggy ground here from all the rain, and worries about what will happen when the snow comes.…
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  • Good to have to you back ... 🙂
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  • Thankfully ... the longer we go w/out is fine w/ me! 😀 I'm off ... see ya later!
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  • More rain for us today ... it's been a rainy fall here.
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  • Thanks CG! 🙂
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  • Much appreciated! 🙂
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  • But I'm off to work now ... Have a good morning FM and hope to see you around later (and…
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  • Beautiful photo up top Andi!
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