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    Could you go longer than 6 minutes? 🙂
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  • That is amazing d! His fingers must be so strong ... I played bass guitar in my highschool jazz band,…
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  • You're lucky Mister ... 😉 And you're right -- too bad IVG missed it b/c he likes those colours I…
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  • Now I'd pay money to see that NDD ... 😉
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  • And fun to see all the different dance moves ... 🙂
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  • Get your img src lined up there NDD ... 🙂
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  • Take a look at this: Evolution of Dance ... it's long, funny though.
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  • Consider it a hand/finger raised ... 😉
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  • Have a great w/e ... you deserve it after this week! {{{ManE}}}
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  • ... and post outrageous things in a semi-drunken state. 🙂 Are you going to be up? What about d? The…
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  • Just checked my e/m archives. And yes, I see the lilac. I'll play w/ the colours this w/e ... I…
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  • So he might be a tad indisposed ... 😉
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  • You should post this tomorrow morning to catch all the earlybirds. I know that some of them have it Boo.
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  • He was at the game when Edmonton won the Western Conf, and says he is rooting for Ed. "Oil," said…
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  • I didn't read it, so not sure how rigourous it is (and I'm a little fact-checked out LOL), but I…
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  • Sounds familiar ... They're gorgeous! I certainly wouldn't want to be getting toothpaste on those sinks! 😉
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  • Who cares about hockey in Raleigh? 10 people? We've got a whole country up here rooting for Edm ... ;)…
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