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  • 'cause you left off w/ the '...' up there. 🙂
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  • ... at your age ... <running for the door> 🙂
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  • I could say oy again, but I guess I'm glad you're finding it useful ... b/c I am a nice…
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  • You've been sucked in now K ... there's no getting out. And the more you try and tell everyone it's…
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  • ... you started the whole body painting thing. And you're not supposed to keep the link to pull out at…
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  • It's comments like these that sets these guys off LOL ... 🙂
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  • You're the bad one, not me. This is proof. 😛
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  • I'm sorry about the dial up -- I was there two days ago (just got hi speed). It's a guy…
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  •  here's how it started ... Evolution of Dancing ...
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  • Statler & Waldorf here took my dancing comment into the gutter. 🙂
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  • That's great!
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  • That's great to hear! How's she feeling about her performance?
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  • Rock'em, roll'em, rammin', jammin' all night long LOL
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  • 😉
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  • I found it hard to play b/c my hands/fingers were small ... had trouble w/ that thickness combined w/ the…
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  • Is it a good one?
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