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    Being an inveigler ... better than a nag 😉
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  • I've lost my allure. 🙂
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  • How was your pizza?
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  • ... father of universal health care, also considered The Greatest Cdn.
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  • How 'bout you ... how are you doing ... another day closer. 🙂
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  • I'd love to hear your interpretation of SN's wallpaper art. Maybe we'll have to link to it later in the…
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  • Well, I'm just gonna pull up this chair and sit beside you ... 🙂
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  • How's our very own live-blogger doing tonight? 🙂
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  • ... voice remote do-dad. Did you get it figured out?
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  • And don't know too many geezers who go for walks in the woods and bike rides in the same day…
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  • I read your post about this at your blog, and I was and still am heartbroken for you. I know…
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  • Did you eat your cherry ice cream w/ hard chocofudge shell?
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  • Good to hear you're on the mend. 🙂
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  • How are you feeling?
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  • Congrats to CBtY! So is he completely done now, or are there playoffs? It's kind of slow here right now,…
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  • A half gallon all by yourself? ... 🙂
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  • Any ice cream tonight?
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