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    Grilled chicken w/ rosemary and garlic, posh fries, and garden salad ... and chocolate ice cream for dessert ... :)…
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  • Are you cooking up anything interesting for dinner tonight?
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  • I'm sorry that it's not going to work out for you? Do you know anyone that is going that you…
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  • ... but in this case, what I meant was that you offered to do it for me! B/c you're so…
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  • ... of the photo -- I find it soothes my symmetrical bent. 🙂
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  • ... b/c I could understand it! And it's so ... Andi-ish!
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  • Thank you ... {{{Brenda}}}
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  • 🙂
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  • It looks surreal NDD ... very nice! Nice capture of the cloud ceiling ... 🙂
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  • And then saw this one ... but it's not any better LOL ... Umm ... sure? 🙂 Maybe I better…
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  • ... on making a banner for the top of a blog? Specifically, if you take a large image, do you…
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  • 🙂
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  • I remember that was another use ... After I found out about the lilies I went looking for a site…
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  • Puget4 told me that a while back, and I've been looking forward to this season to try them! I've got…
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  • I'm sorry to hear that your not feeling well ... sending good vibes winging your way ... {{{ww}}}
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  • Well it worked - maybe the confusion in deciphering your instructions caused her to pause long enough for you to…
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  • It is sad   To see the light of beauty wane away,     Know eyes are dimming, bosoms shrivelling,…
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  • It was raining so everything was wet, and I thought the rain would keep people away so it wouldn't be…
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