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    They are all so wonderful and I keep saying that b/c I don't have any other words to describe it…
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  • ... I've really missed you and your wonderful flower photos! These are stunning!!! You're spoiling us today. I thought of…
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  • I was interested in what word you would come up with ... I gather from your word you are still…
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  • So what's your overall feeling of the last 3 days ... if you could sum it up in one word,…
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  • Sounds like you have a good system set up ... 🙂
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  • Only a laser ... I wasn't joking when I said I haven't printed any of my photos. Yours was the…
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  • We're all following you down the slackerpath.
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  • ... that you use a few different programs, b/c they all have specific features. I'll have to get it loaded…
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  • So what are you all up to today? Is is raining there?
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  • ... that's the reason it's taken me so long to do this! 🙂
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  • Hmmmm ... why do you like it better?
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  • ... I feel stooooopid for not doing it sooner. The first thing I did when it was working was go…
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  • Just saw your reply ... I see you skipped over the first part ... 😉 So, yes ... b/c it's…
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  • Good? Hmmm, well, I'd only say that if the <stern motherly nagging> worked and people would, oh, you know give…
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  • I'd love to share it w/ you IVG ... I know how much a chore (and a worry) the watering…
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  • hehehe ... we missed you, and NDD had a great pic to show you but he'll pop it up again…
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  • ... both on the not seeing until you upload and the $. I had to save up for a while.
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  • ... and it's something you have to do so it's not wasted time ... 🙂 I'm off now. Have a…
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