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    That's awful ask ... yikes, what a mess to clean up.
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  • Hi there RiaD - echoing Bob, happy to have you join in! The flog theme this friday is Random if…
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  • Yikes! Poor guy!
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  • How about waterlogged?  <raises hand>
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  • Thanks tampopo.
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  • Congratulations CG, on the job news and the end of your exam! Have a great time ... 🙂
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  • Great set Hurria. Agree w/ Andi re the last photo.
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  • Nicely captured! I love the fresh, blue sky in the background.
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  • Aftermath of the fire is a really strong image. :/
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  • That's a great photo - full of colour and texture. I love the grass growing on the inside.
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  • LOL, that's great! And while Andi crafts together a new dog from all the hair she finds, I'll be doing…
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  • Agree w/ Andi, and love the rich colour too.
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  • Love the fountain w/ the green and the roots on the tree in the third photo. Nice set Bob.
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  • So sorry ID. Condolences to you, Mrs ID and family.
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  • Hi ID. Nice set of green -- love the tractor shot! And lovely trilliums w/ those golden centres.
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  • Love the green chair! And the lighting on the cat is superb ... 🙂
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  • Yep, that's what I was thinking Hurria. Lovely greens, Head. Glad you got your computer stuff figured out.
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  • Love that last photo.
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  • Beautiful.
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  • Love those manicured hedges -- like sculpture, fitting the urban scene. All the green mixed into the city scenes is…
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