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    I love those sun rays! Wow ... And the view of the balcony is amazing. Love the wrought iron in…
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  • Wow.
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  • Those colours are amazing!
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  • Thanks Head. That's the field I used to play in as a kid, at my parent's house.
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  • Hi Head - yes, it is. I was going through some of my old photos and found a few that…
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  • I can imagine walking around could be hazardous w/ so many wonderful sights to see up high!
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  • What Andi said!
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  • The bottom two look like paintings. Beautiful. And I love the framing in the first photo.
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  • Hard to pick a favourite as the others have said -- they're all so visid and colourful. I think Coconut…
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  • LOL at the sign and as for your first photo: :'( .. wahhhhhhhhhh! 😉
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  • The curtains parted for a dramatic view ... nicely captured LEP!
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  • Beautiful set! Love the flower's view of the sky and the one of the lines and trees disappearing into the…
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  • Ah ... thanks. 🙂
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  • Love the skylight through the window. And nice to be rewarded for getting up early ... 🙂
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  • Can't wait to see yours. 🙂
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  • I don't see a face. I like the framing of the signs and buildings and clouds in the bottom photo.
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  • Beautiful.
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  • Hi Toni -- nice boots! 🙂 Cute pix of Andrew ... I like the one on the stairs -- looks…
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  • Thanks ww. I agree, I love those images most too.
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  • Another set of interesting street scenes Hurria! The roads look narrow there. Was this one a lesser street, so not…
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