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    The Hand of Hope is amazing...wow. I love the textured wall behind subdued vanity. And the court jester -- what…
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  • Oh, delightful. I love the delicacy and softness of your photos ww.
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  • Nice bokeh on the Head shot ... looks almost like light hitting suspended droplets of water. Kewl noise shot --…
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  • LOL, too cute.
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  • Ah yes, I spent a wonderful afternoon in the company of Big Brother. I even feel asleep on a park…
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  • I saw that. I clicked through to look at flickr and was reading the comments too. Glad you got your…
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  • Love, love, love the light in the open spaces ... inside. And I'm w/ Andi on those edges. The last…
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  • Heh, nice. And nice colour/texture.
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  • Beautiful ... wow. Agree w/ the others on the stone wall photo. Amazing. The fog/mist images you capture are so…
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  • Hi Refinish! 🙂 It's always great to hear from you, no matter if it's a comment on the fly or…
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  • 4:51!? =8-O
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  • Great set ww! Love the colour tone and shadows of "compressor" ... what a great photo! And the rotary phone.…
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  • LOL, great shot ww.
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  • Those trucks look fine indeed. Do you get overrun w/ tourists there in the summer? I know! Everyone is coming…
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  • LOL!!!!
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  • Those are just such interesting flowers. The colour is amazing. It's great to see the unopened buds. They look like…
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  • Fantastic selection Head! I love A Cappella ... and Coconut! ... The backlit bee fuzz is amazing. Wonderful colour and…
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  • It does indeed. I love how you've framed it. Very nice!
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  • That's one thing I noticed during my visit to your beautiful country: your "ordinary churches" are mind-bogglingly old and beautiful…
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  • Hi LEP ... what a lovely photo of estHER!
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