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    What would happen would doubtless be totally revolutionary. In 1814? Maybe. In 2014? A shrug and a flip of the…
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  • Steven's critique is noting that though we claim to be better we are actually acting and reacting in a similar…
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  • Do you mean the difference between Evolution and Natural Selection?
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  • That's true, but those to the right of them would see their efforts as stupid since the optimal solution is…
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  • In a way, this lines up with what I've seen across the political spectrum - those to the right of…
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  • Possibly more corrupted than WV. At the risk of painting with too broad a brush, folk around here don't do…
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  • Anyone running for the Senate in Kentucky today had better rail against the entirely-made-up "Obama War On Coal" if they…
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  • ...Benghazi!!!
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  • Get ready for Valerie Plame 2.0 - GOP Edition...
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  • If Hillary Clinton any competent Democrat runs against Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio or Rand Paul or Jeb Bush or…
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  • I believe (hope?) this was a tongue-in-cheek post, although this isn't something that I would be cheeky about.
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  • Know much says that someone develops an "injury" and Donovan ends up replacing him?
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  • The (extreme?) right wing hates the government doing anything beneficial for actual human beings...
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  • Things vary from place to place, but largely things are relatively fine for those of us with jobs that include…
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  • My point is simply that any of a couple dozen Democrats could achieve the same results that are being attributed…
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  • ...if Hillary Clinton is the Democrat's nominee, her appeal among white working class voters will eat into the Republicans' numbers…
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  • That's what independent groups are for...
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  • The Republican Party is behaving as a radical party that has no parallel in the 20th Century. There may be…
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  • It's sending professionals to a clown show for the purpose of highlighting that it is, indeed, nothing more than a…
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  • I like Grayson but it makes sense to keep him out of this clown show - let the Repubs be…
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