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    That is a conundrum, one that I don't have an easy (or hard) answer to. It's especially difficult in this…
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  • I didn't say that the West Bank was under Jordanian occupation - I said that it WAS Jordan. Were the…
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  • Maybe, but as they say, that's why you play the game run the race.
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  • I think there is some sense of similarity between the situations of Israel and Palestine to the US and Native…
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  • I guess I'm thinking about it from the perspective of the Palestinians in terms of their day-to-day lives more than…
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  • Without defending the status quo, was it apartheid when Jordan owned the West Bank?
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  • This should come as no surprise when you understand why the DLC was founded - to "make the party safe,…
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  • I'll feel better when Elizabeth Warren runs in 2016 herself.
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  • And America needs to bring the peace.
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  • But, then, if Mr. Turiano's prescription is so eminently sensible, why are Montanan Republicans and even Tea Partiers running away…
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  • Maybe someone should ask him if Mormons were better off in Missouri...
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  • A right to privacy has been read into the Constitution even if it isn't explicitly stated, so there are Constitutional…
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  • They'll be overturned once it makes it to the Supreme Court, and there's more to the issue than restricting the…
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  • ...how to hold down Hillary Clinton's numbers in suburban Philadelphia If/when she's not the nominee then they would have wasted…
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  • And I'm the opposite, relatively "Meh" on both issues. On both issues I see it as objecting to or advocating…
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  • I think it depends on what you believe should and shouldn't be limited/regulated - there's a fairly interesting parallel between…
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  • They're opposed to anything that shows the government in a favorable light, since that will enable the government to operate…
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  • It's not strange at all - if government action interferes with your business model then you will oppose government action.…
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  • There are some states like Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Kentucky, and Missouri that voted for Bill Clinton at least once and…
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  • I believe it has the potential to impact the opinion of those who have never heard of Hillary Clinton -…
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