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    The Appomattox Surrender Monkeys should have nothing to say about the French Surrender Monkeys...
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  • I don't know - Rand has a rather petite strike zone...
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  • MLK identified the problem half a century ago: The other day I was saying, I always try to do a…
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  • Beyond delivering the single-greatest smack-down in the history of televised debates? I'm not sure what the impact was on the…
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  • That could work for John Boehner's district, but in the other districts it becomes abstract. In fact, it becomes something…
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  • I think it's too cerebral to be effective. It's all true, obviously, but it doesn't sound-bite well. I say ignore…
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  • I just read the latest Krugman article about people crying about the sky falling (for 3+ years now) without so…
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  • They'll also SEE other states... No, they won't. They'll barely "see" what's going on one county over.
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  • If they could step on their own dicks then I have to believe that they'd be a trifle liberal in…
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  • If the GOP sheds the Tea Party then then you will have a governing party (DNC) and two opposition parties…
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  • ...now that she has made amends with the Democratic base When did this happen? She did fine in service to…
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  • Granted that I tend to be very pessimistic when it comes to these people - I know them, well -…
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  • The 2016 GOP primary will make the 1980 GOP primary appear kind and civil by comparison. Grab popcorn, and a…
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  • With a large military that protects...the wealthiest of the wealthy, and their property. That's a feature, not a defect -…
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  • At least the Steelers didn't lose today. What you say? They had a bye week this week? Oh, OK. Never…
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  • I think the analogy still holds - without the threat of sniper fire the hostage-takers are less-inclined to yield to…
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  • Can we also discuss the role of snipers in hostage negotiations?
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  • Are we taking bets on the outcome and dates? If so then my prediction is GOP capitulation on 10/16/13 -…
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  • As was stated in Godfather III, finance is a gun; politics is knowing when to pull the trigger. The GOP…
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  • Kentucky is a very weird state (Commonwealth) - this is the state that couldn't make up its mind on the…
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