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    If I ever meet that diarrhetic shih tzu Cohen then he will have a legitimate reason to fear the angry…
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  • Here's a perspective that I'd like to see discussed: What It Feels Like To Be Black In America So in…
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  • ...lost their life through an unfortunate misunderstanding. You're too kind. Seriously.
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  • Here is the full transcript.
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  • There is a stark difference here - the LAPD actually has authority and can force the issue if push comes…
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  • We hear each other just fine - we simply disagree, and vehemently. We understand exactly what they're saying and they…
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  • Not much to add - lamh31 and rikyrah  pretty much summed it up from my POV - just want to…
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  • First, this is not a progressive blog... Um, OK. Be wary of the doorknob upon your exit.
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  • Herr Zimmerman might ought to seek asylum with the German consulate - that, or  hole up with Mr. Snowden...
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  • A Latino blog is ipso facto focused on Latino issues - other topics are only germane inasmuch as they pertains…
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  • Here's the problem - that mentality ("It's all about me and mine - f*** everyone else") is only useful if…
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  • If you are indeed Black then you must know that you are speaking to the wrong crowd. To wit: Why…
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  • In my moral universe your personal failings do not interfere with your professional performance unless personal failings is your profession…
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  • We will find out soon enough what the jury thinks - their opinion s the only one that ultimately matters…
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  • The Bahamas or Jamaica (north side of the island).
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  • Well, as long as we're doing the Scrooge thread, here's a classic view of the 4th from one of America's…
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  • Not so much considering they gave a 48-hour notice of the impending coup - that, to me, was the surreal…
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  • Now why would an innocent man have "lied his ass off about what happened immediately prior to their confrontation"?
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  • Sounds like "Qaliubiya" is Egyptian for "Kentucky" or "Mississippi"...
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  • Well, it is an old school argument... 🙂 We could substitute son for wife and come to the same place…
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