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    That's the only explanation I've heard for why the Senate voted against stronger penalties for gun traffickers, despite the fact…
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  • "They are who we thought they were, and we let them off the hook!"
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  • I bring this up because the alternative is to talk about North Korea or the budget... Either way the nuclear…
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  • That's me - living in suburban Louisville, 6-figure income, walking at 6:30 am, unintentionally scaring little white ladies $#!^less with…
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  • Does anyone watch House of Cards? It's an entertaining view of how the House operates.
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  • The biggest threat to any hustle is the genuine article...
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  • I think the "It's her/his turn" argument would work just as well for Joe Biden, maybe even moreso as Obama's…
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  • I wouldn't object to that, but then too, like I've said before, I don't have a viable solution to the…
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  • I'm not sure about "should" - I suppose anything with a capacity over six shots could be outlawed without rational…
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  • The drug problem of today has a virtual one-to-one correlation to the liquor problem of the prohibition era - rivals…
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  • I read it and understand her point, but she obviously misses (willfully or otherwise) the larger point - easy access…
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  • It will be easier for a few reasons - Judd has more time to build a true base (vis a…
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  • Speaking of women in a man's world, Ashley Judd is going to run against Rand Paul for Senate instead of…
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  • It can be both valid and Jim Crowism; the question is if people actually thought Whites would (should?) be steering…
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  • Missed it by thaaaaaaaaat much! </MaxSmart&gt
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  • That was Duke, UNC's archrival.
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  • The press has been making a great show on the 10th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq of showing remorse…
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