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    He's a Republican. If he said forthrightly that the Republicans are a bunch of racist mofos who want to disenfranchise…
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  • I believe Douthat's point was that Voter ID laws have a fig-leaf of validity, they are ostensibly about voter fraud,…
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  • Let's say that two men claim the same woman as their wife and enter into negotiations - how does that…
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  • It also means that the House Republicans may oppose reform but that they can't seriously think... Do you see where…
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  • See rikyrah above - "Steven" is the appropriate name.
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  • So you can't control your breathing? Holding your breath until something changes isn't an option?
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  • ...if you want to keep getting what you're getting, keep doing what you're doing. I take that you are still…
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  • It's not to punish the poor - it to stop assisting the poor. Bottom line is they don't give a…
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  • Invite Rubio to find pro-Syrian elements within America, and when he fails, ask him why he'd expect to find pro-American…
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  • ...an unlawful command influence CiC = HNIC I believe it's the N in HNIC that is causing the problem...
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  • Is there anyone in Congress whose judgment you trust? In a holistic sense, no. But on an issue-by-issue basis there…
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  • I've been wrong before about political violence, but I don't like tempting fate - let's not invite that fight...
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  • I know that not everyone loves Krugman, but I really enjoyed today's piece about the babbling barons of bubbleism.
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  • Definitely take care of yourself - be well.
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  • Maybe one day, after his trial is over and he is rotting for life in prison, he will talk to…
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  • Sure, shortly after invading armies from the east and west meet in Iowa to convene the tribunals...
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  • I would have nuked Kandahar when we had al Qaeda holed up there and then brought our advisers/troops home. This…
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  • I'd say they could swing maybe 5% towards (+ ads) or away from (- ads) a candidate that gets their…
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  • And their districts?
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