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    The Steelers have looked like crap - the o-line is a sieve, the backs are mediocre on a good day,…
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  • There's an old saying, something to the effect of when your opponent is busy beating himself stay out of his…
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  • Coleman had a distinct problem in a distinct era - that fight (suburbs vs. city in a death match) has…
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  • ...when your prime directive is ratings/profits You could really stop there - it's about what brings the most marketable eyeballs…
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  • This is why I believe hero worship of any kind is dangerous - flawed human beings (i.e. each of us)…
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  • Happy birthday!
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  • How are you with VBA and SQL? C# would be a major plus - I'll be hiring analysts in a…
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  • I always find it amusing when people are befuddled by Nit-Pickers picking nits and Nay-Sayers saying, "Nay." Fish gotta swim...
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  • It was actually an interesting article with some good points. I'm not sure about Clinton as the left measuring stick,…
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  • I'm saying that Blacks can easily understand the nature of the fight in Syria, knowing full-well that if we controlled…
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  • As a nation, we are not built to understand this kind of conflict, but there are sects within this nation…
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  • Would Obama benefit in any way from Congress crushing or failing to pass the resolution?
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  • I hope he tries to keep his cornbread...
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  • So we played the blustery (and quite believable) Bad Cop to Russia's Good Cop in order to get Assad to…
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  • Target Command, Control, and Communication - if Assad and his brother (and a general to be named later) are dead…
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  • It sounds like the target is Assad himself, along with his brother and the general.
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  • In 2006, was the GOP base depressed because of Iraq? I believe that was a factor, but the bigger factors…
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  • If those are hard and fast positions then this should make for some interesting political theater - grab the popcorn...
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  • I would think this to be an easy deal for them - Reid, Boehner and Pelosi are on board with…
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  • Jill Scott if I'm feeling somewhat current... Anita Baker if I'm feeling a bit nostalgic... And when it has truly…
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