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    No Republican deserves a break. Ever. Their politics are entirely based upon deception and personal destruction; I won't shed a…
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  • In no particular order: An expanded thought process An extended social network An excellent earning opportunity An exemplary experience While…
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  • ...I've never understood the hostility to "interest group politics." As a Black man it has always been obvious to me…
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  • Vincent Mancini: Don Lucchesi, you are a man of finance and politics. These things I don't understand. Don Lucchesi: You…
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  • One thing that I got a kick out of Season Two of House of Cards is that they created a…
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  • I go both ways - PC desktop and MacBook Pro laptop. Each has its purpose for me.
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  • Or a presidential hell where the gipper is sodomized daily by James Buchanan...
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  • When it comes to conflict, the victors rarely remember, the vanquished rarely forget...
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  • Very true, although considering his constituency I would expect nothing less.
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  • The conditions that led to the Great Recession developed during the Bush administration, and for most of that time the…
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  • Causation vs. Correlation?
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  • I don't really see the ethical quandary - there's a difference between the art and the artist. I can fully…
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  • I just hope Manning doesn't pick him apart - he's been shredding defenses all year...
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  • I'm trying to remember the last time a non-incumbent ran the tables from 4 years out. I have a hunch…
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  • The Clintons political capital is, and forever shall be, valued in Confederate dollars. I will oppose her candidacy with every…
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  • I remember seeing something once about positive vs. negative campaigning (can't find it, Google isn't my friend today) that showed…
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  • It's worked for them on abortion for almost 40 years, gay marriage for about 20 years...
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  • Both, liberally applied.
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  • Reminds me of a movie from the 70s (caution: not family-friendly...)
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  • When the right talks up small businesses remember that to their thinking they are only promoting the fattening of feeder…
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