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    I believe these days such journalists find their access to primary, secondary and tertiary sources dried up, making them relatively…
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  • </1000 Words&gt
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  • FDR was a 0.01%'er and did a half-way decent job, so it is indeed possible to be both. Any aspiring…
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  • This has the advantage of forcing Republicans to defend their refusal to act to save jobs. It's doubly beneficial to…
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  • I believe that more debates would be good for the DNC for exactly the same reason that more debates are…
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  • Assuming it eschewed it's open hostility to Blacks and Latinos I believe it would attract a not-insignificant number of Blacks…
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  • If they plan on nominating Jeb then Dallas makes sense in a way - going all-in on the Bush thing,…
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  • The "voice" of the "anonymous senior government official" sounds, to me, a bit familiar...
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  • It's a fairly uniform phenomenon - those who proclaim themselves to be something usually aren't. If you have to proclaim…
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  • I'd be slow to crown either Bush or Clinton at this juncture...
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  • I was in Memphis a couple weekends ago for our wedding anniversary and we went to the National Civil Rights…
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  • I want to respond to this in depth without coming across like I'm suffering from Tourette Syndrome, but I can't.…
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  • This always takes me home (Detroit):
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  • Understanding today's America I would imagine that there would be no shortage of volunteers who would do it for free…
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  • These terms tend to be hurled at anyone who disagrees - I have heard certain gays referred to as "homophobic"…
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  • That's why I noted that it was the wrong character from the novel - Sambo was the "Uncle Tom" in…
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  • Calling Clarence Thomas an "Uncle Tom" is racial but it is not racist - it's not related to the belief…
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  • Clarence Thomas is an "Uncle Tom,"Check. Mitch McConnell is a "racist,"Check. Republicans are only anti-big government and anti-Obamacare because President…
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